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Tanah Lot Temple, Bali
Tour Reviews
Ubud Bali Full Day Tour
Whenever I travel, I try to do as much research as possible and I also go with an open mind. I love seeing the different ways things are done and have no problem with saying no. There are very few places in where I have travelled I haven’t managed to find something positive about and take all experiences as ones to learn from. People watching is highly enjoyable!
Tanah Lot Bali Half Day Tour
The temple itself is a reconstruction—the original was crumbling from erosion. You can’t enter if you’re not a worshipper, but you can traverse the waters during low tide to get a bit closer and appreciate the ancient design. At sunset, the crowds and aggressive vendor activity onshore can be a bit much. Your best bet is to arrive early at one of the nearby restaurants along the coast, and take in the scenery from there